Microdosing is the occasional use of small amounts of mushrooms in one’s diet. It is not a new concept and has been around for nearly two decades, but recent interest in the practice has highlighted its potential benefits. Microdosing refers to taking very small doses of mushrooms — as little as 0.4 grams per day — for therapeutic or medical reasons. This short article will outline how you can safely microdose your mushrooms so that you can experience their full range of benefits unhindered by the negative effects associated with higher doses.
What Is Microdosing
Microdosing is the occasional use of very small amounts of mushrooms in one’s diet. It is not new, and has been around for nearly two decades, although it has become more popular in recent years. The practice is based on the premise that small amounts of certain types of mushrooms in the diet can improve health.
The dosage and frequency of microdosing depend on the individual, but the general rule of thumb is that you can take the mushrooms whenever you want — as often as you want — but not more than once a week. The term ‘’microdose’’ is often used synonymously with ‘’mini-dose’’, but there is a clear difference between the two. A microdose is an extremely small amount of a drug, typically between 0.1 and 5ug, while a ‘’mini-dose’’ is a much larger dose.
How To Take And Make Microdoses
There are many ways to microdose shrooms. You can either take them fresh or dried. If you buy dried mushrooms, you can either slice them up and mix them into soups or stews, or you can mix them into bread and make sandwiches. You can also cook with dried mushrooms, for example, in a risotto or a stews. Dried mushrooms can also be used in baked goods like muffins and cupcakes. You can also add them to your shakes or smoothies. You can also add them to your salad.
Proven Benefits OfMicrodosing
There are a variety of proven benefits of microdosing that you can experience the full benefits of mushrooms. The most obvious benefit is that you can test out new foods and drink drinks with new ingredients with much less risk of side effects than with larger doses of many drugs. You can also microdose to maximize the benefits of vitamins and minerals that are often depleted with high dosages of mushrooms. These include B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12 and more.
Potential Drawbacks OfMicrodosing
As with almost any new practice, there are potential drawbacks to microdosing. The most obvious of which is the fact that you are potentially decreasing the amount of beneficial compounds in your body. This means that you may not get the full range of benefits from microdosing, and you may have to return to regular doses of certain medications if you are experiencing side effects.
You should also be weary of supplement manufacturers who may package their products in a way to decrease the amount of active ingredients that are inside. The adverse effects of over-ingesting supplements are also real, as you may experience anxiety, restlessness, diaphoresis and increased heart rate. If you want to know more, visit here.