Some people are born with silky and smooth hair, while others use millions of products to make their hair soft. There would be hardly anyone in the world who does not wish to have soft hair, but the problem is that achieving and maintaining sift hair is a task that is not very easy. Many complicated cara agar rambut lembut are claimed by people, butt in reality, and some tricks can help keep the hair soft.
Be Careful While Shampooing
Many people do not pay attention to how they use to clean their hair, which causes a lot of problems for them. It is important not to collect all the hair on the top of the head while shampooing because t can cause tangles and hair breakage, so this should be avoided, and washing hair very frequently should be avoided. This is because hair has some natural oils essential for keeping them soft, and walking frequently would also wash away those oils.
It is important to understand that hair should not be combed when they are wet. This would cause the hair to break. Apart from the breakage, the top layer of the hair responsible for the softness is also damaged, which would make the hair rough. This is why hair should only be combed when they are dry.
Keeping hair soft is easy if these things are kept in mind, and damage to the hair is avoided.