It has now been 245 years since America gained independence and the American flag is the symbol of the struggle that was experienced to achieve such a milestone. As a way of appreciating the grand struggle, many Americans hold the national flag dear to their heart and even consider installing it on their compound as a show of their patriotism. Once you choose to go ahead with the flag pole installation, make sure you get both the instructions and the materials right before understanding the question why do we stand for the national anthem today?
Salute Principle Of Justice
The color blue on the national flag represents justice which is what many people live for. People should stand for the flag to honor the power that it has in dispensing justice for any injustices around the states. The declaration of independence is a promissory note to current and future Americans on their rights. It is furthermore ideal for you to honor all those that have fought for and died for the course of justice to be achieved in the United States for instance Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honor The Freedom Fighters
Freedom is never given but fought for, as you already know. The amount of struggle invested however cost many Americans their lives which is represented by the color red on the flag. You should appreciate the huge sacrifice that was made to emancipate the country from the hands of colonialists. It is only through appreciating your heroes that rich history can be written for future generations. People also stand for the flag to honor the most recent heroes who may have lost their lives in different government courses.
Celebrate Your Unity and Strength
Countries face different types of adversities besides having their own good runs to celebrate. The flag is easily a representation of all these faces to a coin that is the good and the bad parts experienced. Standing to the flag is the ultimate salute to all that you have achieved as a country besides what you have overcome to survive to date. At this point aspects like religion, race, political support, and other differentiating factors are overlooked to support the country’s success and celebrate it as a whole.
Set Example
The love for your country or patriotism can only be carried on to the future generations if you impart the values to them early enough. By standing for the flag, you show your children directly the power of the symbol and how it unites you and your fellow countrymen regardless of whether you know each other or not. Ultimately you find your children picking up the same values, believing in them, and trying to impart them to their children too for continued patriotism. Being ignorant of the flag not only makes you worthy of an arrest but also sets the wrong kind of example for those that are looking up to you.